_id | userId | experimentId | progressionId | curriculumId | logLabel | logTags | completionCount | curriculumTitle | associativeId | associativeIdOrdinalNumber | username | experimentGroup | experimentName | experimentVersion | startTimestamp | endTimestamp | blocks | createdAt | updatedAt | __v |
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment
week 3 session 3
Fri Apr 05 2024 14:17:46 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "661008c6ea5a9000139c6e85", "time": "2024-04-05T14:22:11.406Z" } ] |
~105 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Fri Apr 05 2024 14:16:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 14:20:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment instructions
instructions week 4 to 6
Fri Apr 05 2024 14:54:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "661010a5ea5a9000139c6ec4", "time": "2024-04-05T14:54:31.845Z" } ] |
[ { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661010a1ea5a9000139c6ea8", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T14:54:28.128Z", "textContent": "Välkommen till intruktionerna för vecka 4-6!\n\nDessa instruktioner kommer att vara tillgängliga under hela träningsperioden\nom du vill läsa dem igen.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661010a2ea5a9000139c6ead", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T14:54:29.297Z", "textContent": "Detta träningsprogram skiljer sig något från träningen de tre första veckorna.\n\nFrån och med nu ska du försöka lära dig\nså många nya melodier som möjligt i din egen takt.\n\nDet är fortfarande 4 sessioner per vecka,\nmen varje session varar i exakt 20 minuter och avslutas därefter automatiskt.\n\nMelodierna är kortare och mer eller mindre välkända.\n\nOm du hinner påbörja men inte avsluta träningen av en melodi\nfortsätter du med denna melodi nästa session.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661010a3ea5a9000139c6eb2", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T14:54:30.184Z", "textContent": "Träningen sker i princip som tidigare, det vill säga\natt du först får se en instruktionsvideo\noch sen får träna på melodin.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661010a4ea5a9000139c6eb7", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T14:54:30.840Z", "textContent": "Precis som innan tränar du först kortare segment som efterhand sätts ihop till den fullständiga melodin.\n\nNär du lyckats spela ett segment rätt tre gånger\n\ngår du automatiskt vidare.\nDessa tre gånger behöver inte vara i rad på varandra.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661010a5ea5a9000139c6ebc", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T14:54:31.832Z", "textContent": "I detta träningsprogram finns inga siffror på tangenterna som visar hur du ska placera fingrarna.\nDet får du bestämma helt själv.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" } ] |
Fri Apr 05 2024 14:54:22 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 14:54:29 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment
week 3 session 4
Fri Apr 05 2024 15:29:21 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66101b77ea5a9000139c718e", "time": "2024-04-05T15:40:37.146Z", "nextLogLabel": "recurrent-melody" } ] |
~172 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Fri Apr 05 2024 15:29:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 15:40:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment
week 3 session 4
Fri Apr 05 2024 15:40:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66101c2dea5a9000139c723c", "time": "2024-04-05T15:43:38.945Z" } ] |
[ { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66101b78ea5a9000139c7195", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 10, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T15:40:38.835Z", "textContent": "I detta avsnitt ska du få träna på två korta melodier.\n\nVi har nu ökat tempot på instruktionsvideon.\n\nFörsök hålla detta tempo när du spelar om du kan. Du får som vanligt fem försök på dig att lära dig/träna på varje melodi.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "twins_experiment/recurrent_melody/Melody_i2_67bpm.mid", "referenceKeys": [ 67, 65, 64, 67, 69, 69, 67, 72 ], "referenceTime": [ 0, 895.522, 1791.044, 2686.566, 3582.088, 4477.610000000001, 4925.371, 5373.132 ], "referenceDuration": [ 848.8802291666667, 848.8802291666667, 848.8802291666666, 848.8802291666668, 848.8802291666668, 423.50727916666654, 423.50727916666654, 1699.626129166667 ], "referenceVelocity": [ 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197 ], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66101b87ea5a9000139c719a", "blockType": "video", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 11, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T15:40:53.470Z", "textContent": "Spela tillsammans med videon.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "twins_experiment/image/right_hand_numbered.bmp", "referenceName": "twins_experiment/recurrent_melody/Melody_i2_67bpm.mid", "referenceKeys": [ 67, 65, 64, 67, 69, 69, 67, 72 ], "referenceTime": [ 0, 895.522, 1791.044, 2686.566, 3582.088, 4477.610000000001, 4925.371, 5373.132 ], "referenceDuration": [ 848.8802291666667, 848.8802291666667, 848.8802291666666, 848.8802291666668, 848.8802291666668, 423.50727916666654, 423.50727916666654, 1699.626129166667 ], "referenceVelocity": [ 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197 ], "pressedStartTime": "2024-04-05T15:40:43.754Z", "pressedKeys": [ 67, 65, 64, 67, 69, 69, 67, 72, 67 ], "pressedTime": [ 0, 645, 1549, 2499, 3340, 4202, 4749, 5255, 9562 ], "pressedDuration": [ 736, 975, 974, 878, 602, 579, 582, 1548, 148 ], "pressedvelocity": [ 70, 58, 61, 64, 78, 68, 61, 73, 66 ], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66101b8fea5a9000139c719f", "blockType": "playing", "blockSubType": "rhythm", "controlType": "piano", "index": 12, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T15:41:01.029Z", "textContent": "Försök spela melodin på egen hand. ", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "twins_experiment/image/right_hand_numbered.bmp", "referenceName": "twins_experiment/recurrent_melody/Melody_i2_67bpm.mid", "referenceKeys": [ 67, 65, 64, 67, 69, 69, 67, 72 ], "referenceTime": [ 0, 895.522, 1791.044, 2686.566, 3582.088, 4477.610000000001, 4925.371, 5373.132 ], "referenceDuration": [ 848.8802291666667, 848.8802291666667, 848.8802291666666, 848.8802291666668, 848.8802291666668, 423.50727916666654, 423.50727916666654, 1699.626129166667 ], "referenceVelocity": [ 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197 ], "pressedStartTime": "2024-04-05T15:40:53.994Z", "pressedKeys": [ 67, 65, 64, 67, 69, 69, 72, 69 ], "pressedTime": [ 0, 938, 1828, 2731, 3554, 4268, 4717, 6769 ], "pressedDuration": [ 986, 953, 963, 860, 497, 501, 462, 265 ], "pressedvelocity": [ 89, 57, 57, 76, 83, 57, 25, 59 ], "pressConsideredStart": 0, 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"1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66101ba7ea5a9000139c71ae", "blockType": "playing", "blockSubType": "rhythm", "controlType": "piano", "index": 12, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 2, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T15:41:25.706Z", "textContent": "Försök spela melodin på egen hand. 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", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "twins_experiment/image/right_hand_numbered.bmp", "referenceName": "twins_experiment/recurrent_melody/Melody_i2_67bpm.mid", "referenceKeys": [ 67, 65, 64, 67, 69, 69, 67, 72 ], "referenceTime": [ 0, 895.522, 1791.044, 2686.566, 3582.088, 4477.610000000001, 4925.371, 5373.132 ], "referenceDuration": [ 848.8802291666667, 848.8802291666667, 848.8802291666666, 848.8802291666668, 848.8802291666668, 423.50727916666654, 423.50727916666654, 1699.626129166667 ], "referenceVelocity": [ 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197, 0.6299212598425197 ], "pressedStartTime": "2024-04-05T15:41:29.479Z", "pressedKeys": [ 67, 65, 64, 67, 69, 69, 67, 72 ], "pressedTime": [ 0, 918, 1831, 4180, 5350, 6229, 6660, 7088 ], "pressedDuration": [ 962, 967, 1009, 1003, 592, 443, 542, 850 ], "pressedvelocity": [ 72, 73, 58, 80, 76, 69, 31, 69 ], "pressConsideredStart": 0, 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Fri Apr 05 2024 15:40:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 15:43:41 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sleep index questionnaire
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:08:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "6610229fea5a9000139c72c0", "time": "2024-04-05T16:11:10.993Z" } ] |
[ { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661021f3ea5a9000139c725d", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "dropdown", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:08:19.321Z", "textContent": "Under de senaste tre veckorna...\n\nNär har du vanligtvis gått och lagt dig?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ "22:00" ], "surveyOptions": [ "0:00", "0:30", "1:00", "1:30", "2:00", "2:30", "3:00", "3:30", "4:00", "4:30", "5:00", "5:30", "6:00", "6:30", "7:00", "7:30", "8:00", "8:30", "9:00", "9:30", "10:00", "10:30", "11:00", "11:30", "12:00", "12:30", "13:00", "13:30", "14:00", "14:30", "15:00", "15:30", "16:00", "16:30", "17:00", "17:30", "18:00", "18:30", "19:00", "19:30", "20:00", "20:30", "21:00", "21:30", "22:00", "22:30", "23:00", "23:30" ], "surveyHeader": [ "0:00", "0:30", "1:00", "1:30", "2:00", "2:30", "3:00", "3:30", "4:00", "4:30", "5:00", "5:30", "6:00", "6:30", 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"repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:08:38.623Z", "textContent": "När har du vanligtvis gått upp på morgonen?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ "6:00" ], "surveyOptions": [ "0:00", "0:30", "1:00", "1:30", "2:00", "2:30", "3:00", "3:30", "4:00", "4:30", "5:00", "5:30", "6:00", "6:30", "7:00", "7:30", "8:00", "8:30", "9:00", "9:30", "10:00", "10:30", "11:00", "11:30", "12:00", "12:30", "13:00", "13:30", "14:00", "14:30", "15:00", "15:30", "16:00", "16:30", "17:00", "17:30", "18:00", "18:30", "19:00", "19:30", "20:00", "20:30", "21:00", "21:30", "22:00", "22:30", "23:00", "23:30" ], "surveyHeader": [ "0:00", "0:30", "1:00", "1:30", "2:00", "2:30", "3:00", "3:30", "4:00", "4:30", "5:00", "5:30", "6:00", "6:30", "7:00", "7:30", "8:00", "8:30", "9:00", "9:30", "10:00", "10:30", "11:00", "11:30", "12:00", "12:30", "13:00", "13:30", "14:00", "14:30", "15:00", "15:30", "16:00", "16:30", "17:00", "17:30", 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"writtingMaxCharacters": 3, "writtingMinCharacters": 1, "writtingIsNumber": true }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66102233ea5a9000139c7276", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 4, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:09:23.181Z", "textContent": "Under de sista tre veckorna, hur ofta har du haft svårt att sova för att du…\n\nInte kan somna inom 30 minuter?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 1 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "6610223cea5a9000139c727b", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 4, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:09:31.965Z", "textContent": "Under de sista tre veckorna, hur ofta har du haft svårt att sova för att du…\n\nVaknar upp mitt i natten eller tidigt på morgonen?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 2 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66102247ea5a9000139c7280", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 4, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:09:43.014Z", "textContent": "Under de sista tre veckorna, hur ofta har du haft svårt att sova för att du…\n\nMåste gå på toaletten?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 0 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 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"helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 0 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66102261ea5a9000139c7294", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 4, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:10:08.975Z", "textContent": "Under de sista tre veckorna, hur ofta har du haft svårt att sova för att du…\n\nKänner mig för varm?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 0 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66102266ea5a9000139c7299", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 4, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:10:14.301Z", "textContent": "Under de sista tre veckorna, hur ofta har du haft svårt att sova för att du…\n\nHar mardrömmar?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 0 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "6610226bea5a9000139c729e", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 4, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:10:19.685Z", "textContent": "Under de sista tre veckorna, hur ofta har du haft svårt att sova för att du…\n\nHar ont?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 0 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66102280ea5a9000139c72a3", "blockType": "writting", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 5, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:10:40.202Z", "textContent": "Ange bara en anledning åt gången; Om du anger en anledning kommer du bli ombedd att ange frekevensen i nästa frågesteg", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "writtenInput": "8", "writtingMaxCharacters": 3, "writtingMinCharacters": 1, "writtingIsNumber": true }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66102285ea5a9000139c72a8", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 7, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:10:45.353Z", "textContent": "Hur ofta har du använt sömnmedel för att kunna sova?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 0 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "6610228eea5a9000139c72ad", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 7, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:10:53.925Z", "textContent": "Hur ofta har du haft svårt att hålla dig vaken medan du har kört bil, ätit, eller umgåtts med andra människor?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 0 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66102299ea5a9000139c72b2", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 7, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:11:05.112Z", "textContent": "Hur ofta har det varit svårt för dig att hålla entusiasmen uppe för att få saker gjorda?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 2 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Inte under de\nsenaste tre veckorna", "Mindre än en \ngång i veckan", "En eller två \ngånger i veckan", "Tre eller fler\n gånger i veckan" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "6610229fea5a9000139c72bc", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 8, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:11:10.969Z", "textContent": "Hur skulle du beskriva din genomsnittliga sömnkvalité?", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ 1 ], "isSurveyRadio": true, "surveyOptions": [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], "surveyHeader": [ "Mycket god", "Ganska god", "Ganska dålig", "Mycket dålig" ], "surveySideText": [ "" ] } ] |
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:08:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:11:11 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment instructions
instructions week 4 to 6
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:11:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "661022ecea5a9000139c72fb", "time": "2024-04-05T16:12:27.591Z" } ] |
[ { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661022bfea5a9000139c72de", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:11:43.021Z", "textContent": "Välkommen till intruktionerna för vecka 4-6!\n\nDessa instruktioner kommer att vara tillgängliga under hela träningsperioden\nom du vill läsa dem igen.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661022cfea5a9000139c72e3", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:11:59.627Z", "textContent": "Detta träningsprogram skiljer sig något från träningen de tre första veckorna.\n\nFrån och med nu ska du försöka lära dig\nså många nya melodier som möjligt i din egen takt.\n\nDet är fortfarande 4 sessioner per vecka,\nmen varje session varar i exakt 20 minuter och avslutas därefter automatiskt.\n\nMelodierna är kortare och mer eller mindre välkända.\n\nOm du hinner påbörja men inte avsluta träningen av en melodi\nfortsätter du med denna melodi nästa session.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661022d4ea5a9000139c72e8", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:12:03.808Z", "textContent": "Träningen sker i princip som tidigare, det vill säga\natt du först får se en instruktionsvideo\noch sen får träna på melodin.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661022e3ea5a9000139c72ed", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:12:19.667Z", "textContent": "Precis som innan tränar du först kortare segment som efterhand sätts ihop till den fullständiga melodin.\n\nNär du lyckats spela ett segment rätt tre gånger\n\ngår du automatiskt vidare.\nDessa tre gånger behöver inte vara i rad på varandra.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "661022ecea5a9000139c72f7", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-04-05T16:12:27.577Z", "textContent": "I detta träningsprogram finns inga siffror på tangenterna som visar hur du ska placera fingrarna.\nDet får du bestämma helt själv.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" } ] |
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:11:37 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:12:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment
week 4-6
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:13:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66102691ea5a9000139c7448", "time": "2024-04-05T16:28:01.039Z", "nextLogLabel": "melody-2" } ] |
~221 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:13:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:28:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment
week 4-6
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:28:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66102865ea5a9000139c755d", "time": "2024-04-05T16:35:49.350Z", "nextLogLabel": "melody-3" } ] |
~154 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:28:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:35:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment
week 4-6
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:35:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66102995ea5a9000139c7648", "time": "2024-04-05T16:40:52.939Z", "nextLogLabel": "recurrent-melody" } ] |
~107 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:35:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:40:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final)
sweedish twins experiment
week 4-6
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:40:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": true, "_id": "66102a94ea5a9000139c7704", "time": "2024-04-05T16:45:08.126Z" } ] |
~103 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:40:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Fri Apr 05 2024 16:45:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
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