_id | userId | experimentId | progressionId | curriculumId | logLabel | logTags | completionCount | curriculumTitle | associativeId | associativeIdOrdinalNumber | username | experimentGroup | experimentName | experimentVersion | startTimestamp | endTimestamp | blocks | createdAt | updatedAt | __v |
Twins experiment (final updated)
sweedish twins experiment instructions
initial instructions
Mon Sep 09 2024 15:27:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df148afc3c45001394a866", "time": "2024-09-09T15:30:17.641Z" } ] |
[ { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df13e7fc3c45001394a822", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:27:35.192Z", "textContent": "Välkommen! Här följer instruktioner till träningsprogrammet.\n\nDessa instruktioner kommer att finnas tillgängliga under hela träningsperioden\nom du vill läsa dem igen.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "2024-09-09T15:27:10.726Z", "pressedKeys": [ 60, 60, 60, 60, 60 ], "pressedTime": [ 0, 767, 1223, 1592, 1982 ], "pressedDuration": [ 243, 204, 201, 182, 183 ], "pressedvelocity": [ 26, 19, 30, 28, 30 ], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df13f0fc3c45001394a827", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 1, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:27:44.448Z", "textContent": "Träningen kommer att genomföras under sex veckor.\n\nVarje vecka gör du fyra träningssessioner.\n\nDu bestämmer själv vilka dagar du tränar.\n\nDet går att genomföra max en session per dag.\n\nSessionerna genomförs i tur och ordning.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df13fafc3c45001394a82c", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 2, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:27:53.728Z", "textContent": "De första tre veckorna får du stegvis lära dig att spela två olika melodier.\n\nDu börjar med att lära dig kortare delar av melodierna\nsom efterhand sätts ihop till längre segment.\n\nMer specifik information ges i varje session.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1402fc3c45001394a831", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 3, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:28:02.017Z", "textContent": "De sista tre veckorna (vecka 4 till 6) får du lära dig att spela korta kända melodier.\n\nDu får mer information om detta när du börjar träningen vecka 4.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1407fc3c45001394a836", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 4, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:28:06.936Z", "textContent": "Användargränssnitt", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1419fc3c45001394a83b", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 5, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:28:25.280Z", "textContent": "Knappen 'Avsluta'\n\nGenom knappen 'Avsluta' i det övre högra hörnet av fönstret är det möjligt att lämna en pågående session när du behöver pausa träningen eller när det uppstår tekniska problem; till exempel om programmet hänger sig.", "pictureName": "platform_tutorial/image/leave_button-sv-black-background.PNG", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1421fc3c45001394a840", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 6, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:28:33.224Z", "textContent": "Om du lämnar en session, eller om den avbrutits innan den är klar\nkan du starta sessionen igen, och återuppta träningen efter det senast avslutade momentet.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1428fc3c45001394a845", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 7, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:28:40.673Z", "textContent": "Statusfält\n\nStatusfältet ger lite användbar information om den pågående sessionen.", "pictureName": "platform_tutorial/image/experiment_status_bar-sv.bmp", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1434fc3c45001394a84a", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 8, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:28:52.217Z", "textContent": "Timer\n\nLängst till vänster i statusfältet finns en timer.\n\nTill höger om klockan visas hur länge momentet har pågått.\n\nVissa moment går på tid. Då visas istället ett timglas och en nedräkning.", "pictureName": "platform_tutorial/image/timer_countdown.PNG", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1447fc3c45001394a84f", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 9, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:29:10.713Z", "textContent": "Pianostatus\n\nBeroende på moment, kan ljudet ifrån pianot stängas av.\n\nDetta sker automatiskt och är en del av programmet.\n\nLängst till höger i statusfältet finns en indikator som visar\nom pianots ljud är på eller av.", "pictureName": "platform_tutorial/image/piano_sound_indicator-sv.bmp", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1456fc3c45001394a854", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 10, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:29:26.321Z", "textContent": "Sessionsmätaren\n\nLängst ner i statusfältet finns det en blå linje som visar hur långt du har kommit i sessionen.\n\nLinjen når högra änden av fönstret när alla moment i sessionen är avklarade.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df1469fc3c45001394a859", "blockType": "video", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "piano", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:29:45.404Z", "textContent": "Innan varje träningsmoment får du se en instruktionsvideo. Här är ett exempel:", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "", "referenceKeys": [], "referenceTime": [], "referenceDuration": [], "referenceVelocity": [], "pressedStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeys": [], "pressedTime": [], "pressedDuration": [], "pressedvelocity": [], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0 }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df148afc3c45001394a862", "blockType": "playing", "blockSubType": "rhythm", "controlType": "piano", "index": 2, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T15:30:17.588Z", "textContent": "I vissa moment visas ett piano som visuellt stöd.\nKnappar som markeras i gult visar vilka tangenter du behöver använda för en viss melodi.\nMätaren under pianot fylls efter varje ton oavsett om det var rätt eller fel. Prova!", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "referenceName": "platform_tutorial/melody/Melody3_3-4.mid", "referenceKeys": [ 60, 64, 60, 64, 69, 64, 65, 64, 62, 60, 67 ], "referenceTime": [ 0, 625, 1250, 1875, 2500, 3750, 5000, 5625, 6250, 6875, 7500 ], "referenceDuration": [ 625, 625, 625, 625, 1250, 1250, 625, 625, 625, 625, 2500 ], "referenceVelocity": [ 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497, 0.7874015748031497 ], "pressedStartTime": "2024-09-09T15:30:08.576Z", "pressedKeys": [ 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67 ], "pressedTime": [ 0, 696, 1282, 1846, 2399, 3087, 7222, 7639, 8058, 8467, 8876 ], "pressedDuration": [ 344, 279, 240, 201, 212, 1010, 221, 242, 161, 132, 133 ], "pressedvelocity": [ 9, 14, 18, 28, 23, 22, 19, 12, 19, 17, 18 ], "pressConsideredStart": 0, "pitchAccuracy": 36.36363636363637, "durationsRelativeError": 64.15636363636364, "levenshteinDistance": 7, "interOnsetInterval": [ 696, 586, 564, 553, 688, 4135, 417, 419, 409, 409 ], "interOnsetIntervalsRelativeError": 86.616, "relativeInterOnsetIntervalsRelativeError": 38.915727805317715, "sequenceDuration": -8743, "errorMarginInMilliseconds": 0, "relativeErrorMarginInFloat": 0.1, "referenceKeyboardName": "@keyboard_sequence : ", "referenceKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardStartTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "pressedKeyboardKeys": [], "pressedKeyboardTime": [], "pressedKeyboardDuration": [], "pressKeyboardConsideredStart": 0, "grades": [ { "gradeCode": "gradePianoMelodyAccuracy_", "criteria": "Melody Accuracy", "mark": 36.36363636363637, "passMark": 100, "topMark": 100 }, { "gradeCode": "gradePianoRhythmAccuracy_", "criteria": "Rhythm Accuracy", "mark": 61.084272194682285, "passMark": 80, "topMark": 100, "relativeRhythmWeight": 1, "errorMarginInMilliseconds": 0, "relativeErrorMargin": 0.1 } ], "gradePianoMelodyAccuracy_mark": 36.36363636363637, "gradePianoMelodyAccuracy_passMark": 100, "gradePianoMelodyAccuracy_topMark": 100, "gradePianoRhythmAccuracy_mark": 61.084272194682285, "gradePianoRhythmAccuracy_passMark": 80, "gradePianoRhythmAccuracy_topMark": 100, "gradePianoRhythmAccuracy_relativeRhythmWeight": 1, "gradePianoRhythmAccuracy_errorMarginInMilliseconds": 0, "gradePianoRhythmAccuracy_relativeErrorMargin": 0.1 } ] |
Mon Sep 09 2024 15:27:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 15:30:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final updated)
sweedish twins experiment
week 2 session 1
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:11:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df3057fc3c45001394aaed", "time": "2024-09-09T17:28:54.318Z", "nextLogLabel": "recurrent-melody" } ] |
~276 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:11:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:28:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final updated)
data collection conscent
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:15:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df2d82fc3c45001394a965", "time": "2024-09-09T17:16:50.262Z" } ] |
[ { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2d6cfc3c45001394a93d", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:16:28.298Z", "textContent": "SAMTYCKE – DATAINSAMLING ONLINE\n\n\nHärmed bekräftar jag att jag är villig att delta i denna vetenskapliga studie.\n\nJag har fått information om studien och har också fått möjlighet att kontakta ansvariga forskare för att fråga efter ytterligare information.\n\nJag deltar frivilligt i studien.\n\nJag tillåter att mina personliga uppgifter sparas, bearbetas och rapporteras på ett sätt som garanterar min anonymitet.\n\nJag tillåter att data lagras i Svenska Tvillingregistret, samt att tidigare insamlad data i Svenska Tvillingregistret samkörs med data som samlas in i den här studien. Eventuellt kan uppgifter komma att delas med samarbetspartner inom eller utom EU/EES-området, t.ex. Tyskland, Australien eller Nederländerna.\n\nJag är medveten om att jag när som helst kan välja att avsluta mitt deltagande i denna studie, utan att behöva förklara varför.\n\nVäljer du att avbryta ditt deltagande i studien kommer inga fler uppgifter att samlas in men vi har rätt att behålla de uppgifter som redan inhämtats.\n\nFör att bekräfta att du läst och godkänner samtycket, klicka i den vita rutan bredvid \"Ja, jag bekräftar detta\" för att kryssa i denna, och därefter på knappen \"Bekräfta samtycke\".", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ [ "Ja, jag bekräftar detta (I ACCEPT)" ] ], "isSurveyRadio": false, "surveyOptions": [ "Ja, jag bekräftar detta (I ACCEPT)" ], "surveyHeader": [], "surveySideText": [ "||Ja, jag bekräftar detta" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2d82fc3c45001394a95e", "blockType": "survey", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 1, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:16:50.147Z", "textContent": "SAMTYCKE – GÄLLANDE LÅN AV KEYBOARD\n\n\nI samband med denna studie har du fått låna en MIDI-keyboard (Alesis) under 6 veckor. Keyboarden har skickats till dig och du förväntas att skicka tillbaka den när experimentet har avslutats. På denna sida samtycker du att ta ansvar för att hålla keyboarden i gott skick och att skicka tillbaka den efter experimentet enligt angivna instruktioner. Fraktkostnaden för att returnera keyboarden betalas av Karolinska Instiutet. Vid skador orsakade av dig eller vid utebliven retur av keyboarden blir du ersättningsskyldig 881kr, vilket motsvarar kostnaden för en ny keyboard.\n\nFör att bekräfta att du läst och godkänner samtycket, klicka i den vita rutan bredvid \"Ja jag bekräftar detta\" för att kryssa i denna, och därefter på knappen \"Bekräfta samtycke\"", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "surveyAnswers": [ [ "Ja, jag bekräftar detta (I ACCEPT)" ] ], "isSurveyRadio": false, "surveyOptions": [ "Ja, jag bekräftar detta (I ACCEPT)" ], "surveyHeader": [], "surveySideText": [ "||Ja, jag bekräftar detta" ] } ] |
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:15:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:16:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final updated)
baseline test
wmt test
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:17:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df2dc0fc3c45001394a995", "time": "2024-09-09T17:17:52.327Z" } ] |
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:17:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:17:52 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
baseline test
wmt test
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:20:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2e59fc3c45001394a9c2", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": true, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:20:25.732Z", "textContent": "Välkommen till pianoträningen! Innan du kan börja med den, måste du dock genomföra fyra uppgifter. Du behöver inte genomföra alla samtidigt eller ens på samma dag, men alla måste avslutas för att komma vidare till pianoträningen. Den första uppgiften är handlar om att hitta rätt figur för att komplettera olika mönster. De övriga tre uppgifterna handlar om att uppfatta toner och rytmer. Tack för att du ställer upp, och lycka till!", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2e62fc3c45001394a9dc", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 1, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": true, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:20:34.591Z", "textContent": "Hitta rätt figur\n\nPå nästa sida kommer du att se ett introduktionsexempel. Från det exemplet kan Du lätt se principen för de följande uppgifterna och hur de ska lösas.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2e84fc3c45001394a9f0", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 2, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": true, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:21:08.219Z", "textContent": "Figurerna till vänster har ordnats efter ett särskilt mönster. Istället för den sista figuren står ett '?'. Din uppgift är att ange vilken av de åtta figurerna till höger som ska ersätta '?' så att mönstret blir komplett. I det här övningsexemplet har vi visat det rätta svaret. På de följande sidorna får du se tre enkla övningsexempel. Du behöver inte mata in dina svar till dessa. Du ska bara jämföra ditt svar med det rätta svaret, som är markerat i bilden.", "pictureName": "twins_experiment/WMT/Exempel1.jpg", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2ea4fc3c45001394a9ff", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 3, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": true, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:21:40.943Z", "textContent": "", "pictureName": "twins_experiment/WMT/PracticeExample_A.jpg", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2eb4fc3c45001394aa09", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 4, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": true, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:21:56.487Z", "textContent": "", "pictureName": "twins_experiment/WMT/PracticeExample_B.jpg", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2ed6fc3c45001394aa1d", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 5, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": true, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:22:30.596Z", "textContent": "", "pictureName": "twins_experiment/WMT/PracticeExample_C.jpg", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2f2dfc3c45001394aa50", "blockType": "instruction", "blockSubType": "", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 6, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": true, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:23:57.325Z", "textContent": "Du kommer nu att få 24 uppgifter som du ska försöka lösa.\n\nDu svarar genom att klicka på den bild till höger som du tycker passar i den tomma rutan med frågetecknet i matrisen till vänster. Du kan bara ange ett svar för varje uppgift. Om du inte kan lösa en viss uppgift ska du inte markera något alternativ.\n\nArbeta effektivt i din egen takt.\n\nDu har 25 minuter på dig för alla uppgifterna från det att du trycker på \"Vidare\"-knappen här nedanför och det är enligt vår erfarenhet fullt tillräckligt.\n\nNär 20 minuter har gått får du en påminnelse om att du har 5 minuter kvar.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df2f6afc3c45001394aa6e", "blockType": "question", "blockSubType": "image-choices", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:24:58.751Z", "textContent": "", "pictureName": "twins_experiment/WMT/1.png", "helperImageName": "", "questionAnswerIndex": 5, "isQuestionAnswerCorrect": "CORRECT", "questionCorrectAnswerIndex": 5, "questionOptionsValues": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H" ], "questionOptionsTexts": [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", " " ], 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Mon Sep 09 2024 17:20:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:46:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final updated)
sweedish twins experiment
week 2 session 1
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:28:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df31cdfc3c45001394abd0", "time": "2024-09-09T17:35:09.086Z" } ] |
~101 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:28:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:35:09 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final updated)
sweedish twins experiment
week 2 session 1
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:46:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df38fdfc3c45001394ae8c", "time": "2024-09-09T18:05:45.640Z", "nextLogLabel": "recurrent-melody" } ] |
~283 KB Preview:[{"startCount":1,"_id":"6 Click to fetch this property |
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:46:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 18:05:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final updated)
baseline tests
smwt rhythm test
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:54:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df376bfc3c45001394adde", "time": "2024-09-09T17:59:07.260Z" } ] |
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Klicka på \"Lika\" om du tycker att den andra rytmen är likadan som den första, eller klicka på \"Annorlunda\" om du tycker att den andra rytmen är olik den första.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df36e4fc3c45001394ad3f", "blockType": "question", "blockSubType": "audio-start", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:56:52.570Z", "textContent": "Ange \"Lika\" om du tycker att de två rytmerna är identiska\nAnge \"Annorlunda\" om du tycker att de två rytmerna är olika", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "questionAnswerIndex": 0, "isQuestionAnswerCorrect": "CORRECT", "questionCorrectAnswerIndex": 0, "questionOptionsValues": [ "A", "B" ], "questionOptionsTexts": [ "Lika", "Annorlunda" ], "questionAsked": "Question related to the audio(s)", "questionRelatedContent": [ "twins_experiment/SMDT/RhythmStimuli/rhythm_07.wav", 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rytmerna är olika", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "questionAnswerIndex": 1, "isQuestionAnswerCorrect": "CORRECT", "questionCorrectAnswerIndex": 1, "questionOptionsValues": [ "A", "B" ], "questionOptionsTexts": [ "Lika", "Annorlunda" ], "questionAsked": "Question related to the audio(s)", "questionRelatedContent": [ "twins_experiment/SMDT/RhythmStimuli/rhythm_26.wav", "twins_experiment/SMDT/RhythmStimuli/rhythm_33.wav" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df376bfc3c45001394adda", "blockType": "question", "blockSubType": "audio-start", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T17:59:07.201Z", "textContent": "Ange \"Lika\" om du tycker att de två rytmerna är identiska\nAnge \"Annorlunda\" om du tycker att de två rytmerna är olika", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "questionAnswerIndex": 0, "isQuestionAnswerCorrect": "CORRECT", "questionCorrectAnswerIndex": 0, 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Mon Sep 09 2024 17:54:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 17:59:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final updated)
baseline tests
smwt melody test
Mon Sep 09 2024 18:05:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df3a05fc3c45001394af6f", "time": "2024-09-09T18:10:12.914Z" } ] |
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Klicka på den ändrade tonens nummer i ordningen.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "" }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df3920fc3c45001394aea0", "blockType": "question", "blockSubType": "midi-note", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T18:06:24.230Z", "textContent": "Markera tonen som avviker genom att vänsterklicka med muspekaren på motsvarande siffra.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "questionAnswerIndex": 1, "isQuestionAnswerCorrect": "CORRECT", "questionCorrectAnswerIndex": 1, "questionOptionsValues": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "questionOptionsTexts": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ], "questionAsked": "Question related to the audio(s) note(s)", "questionRelatedContent": [ "twins_experiment/SMDT/MelodyStimuli/Stim_01_4notes_1-1.mid", "twins_experiment/SMDT/MelodyStimuli/Stim_01_4notes_1-2.mid" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df392dfc3c45001394aea5", "blockType": "question", 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"2024-09-09T18:06:47.541Z", "textContent": "Markera tonen som avviker genom att vänsterklicka med muspekaren på motsvarande siffra.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": "", "questionAnswerIndex": 1, "isQuestionAnswerCorrect": "CORRECT", "questionCorrectAnswerIndex": 1, "questionOptionsValues": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], "questionOptionsTexts": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ], "questionAsked": "Question related to the audio(s) note(s)", "questionRelatedContent": [ "twins_experiment/SMDT/MelodyStimuli/Stim_03_4notes_3-1.mid", "twins_experiment/SMDT/MelodyStimuli/Stim_03_4notes_3-2.mid" ] }, { "startCount": 1, "_id": "66df3942fc3c45001394aeb9", "blockType": "question", "blockSubType": "midi-note", "controlType": "none", "index": 0, "innerStepIndex": 0, "repetition": 1, "isInPrelude": false, "isInConclusion": false, "timestamp": "2024-09-09T18:06:58.083Z", "textContent": "Markera tonen som avviker genom att vänsterklicka med muspekaren på motsvarande siffra.", "pictureName": "", "helperImageName": 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Mon Sep 09 2024 18:05:26 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Mon Sep 09 2024 18:10:13 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Twins experiment (final updated)
sweedish twins experiment
week 2 session 1
Mon Sep 09 2024 18:05:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
[ { "isInTimeUp": false, "_id": "66df3a70fc3c45001394afed", "time": "2024-09-09T18:11:57.524Z" } ] |
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